Student Bytes is a branch of the Society for Computers and Law (SCL). We work alongside SCL management, professional connections, and lawyers to create a student led forum for networking and staying up to date with the latest legal news!

Founded in 2020, Student Bytes quickly gained traction during the Covid-19 Lockdown. Now, four years later, Student Bytes is getting a well-deserved reboot alongside a new management and editorial team.

We focus on bringing together a community of students, university academics, and trainees to discuss legal technology and social policies. Following our ethos of ‘For Students, By Students’, Student Bytes aims to educate and inform students about current challenges posed by emerging technologies. In addition to this, networking opportunities will be presented during the coming months; students, academics, and trainees will have the chance to meet the SCL management team, and the lawyers who volunteer their time to make amazing things happen at HQ.


Contributors can either submit ideas via a form link on our website or email us directly (please ensure you RE: Submission). This idea will be approved by one of our editors who will work facilitate the publication of the article, with the author receiving full credit. After three high quality submissions guest contributors may be granted official contributor status with a profile displayed on the Student Bytes team webpage.


As we are rebranding to keep up with the growing presence of emerging technologies such as Generative Artificial Intelligence, and Smart Contracts, we are looking for people to join our core team in addition to a wider team of authors. For more information follow this link: Student Bytes reboot! (scl.org)

At Student Bytes accessibility is always at the forefront of our minds, meaning we don’t charge for memberships, and we aim to support as many students, academics, and young professionals on their legal tech education journey as possible.


We can offer you the opportunity to join a vast network of tomorrow’s lawyers. Here at SCL we are always looking for new talent to join the team as a Student Ambassador. This is particularly true at Student Bytes, in the context of our relaunch we are searching for students who have a passion for law and technology to help us expand our reach and educate as many people as possible! You will have the opportunity to gather plenty of advice and support from a catalogue of professionals, academics, and other students which will be extremely valuable when enhancing your legal tech knowledge. There will be constant opportunities to write blog posts about what interests you, and biweekly opportunities to appear in our Legal Tech roundup newsletter. With the further speculative opportunity of an SCL/SB Law Review to be published mid-2025.  

Further to this, we are presently recruiting for a core leadership team of our very own, with roles including (but not limited to):

·       Senior Editor, LawTech, Technology Law, Policy and Regulation

·       Junior Editor, LawTech, Technology Law, Policy and Regulation

·       Marketing and Communications Manager

·       Events and Partnerships Manager.

·      Digital Media Manager

Please email editors@bytes.scl.org if you are interested in any of the above positions or wish to become a Student Ambassador.


Joining SCL as a University Ambassador gives you access to a community of legal tech professionals and enthusiasts. Being a University Ambassador also means that you have the opportunity to share your views and opinions on LegalTech and Social Policy alongside student authors on the Student Bytes website. We also wish to work alongside University Ambassadors to spread the Student Bytes message and to let people know we exist! Further to this, you will also be offered a discounted SCL Membership which will allow you to attend interesting SCL events, and access specialist training via the Society for Computers and Law.


Student Bytes can also offer opportunities to trainees, with relevant and specialist networking in addition to publication that may help your career progression massively. Whether you’re at a magic circle or high street firm, Student Bytes is a place for you to share and spread ideas about the regulation of emerging technology and law. All student opportunities will be also made available to trainees until they qualify as we are committed to bringing new ideas to the table and supporting others on their educational journey.


For more information about who we are and what we do, please visit:

SCL Website: https://www.scl.org/

Student Bytes Website: https://bytes.scl.org/

Or send us an email at: editors@bytes.scl.org

Information on webpage is also available as a downloadable pdf and may be accessed here: