• Artificial Intelligence (AI) - computer software designed to complete tasks normally performed by humans.
  • Algorithm - a set of instructions interpretable by a computer.
  • Analytics - the analysis of data via a computer.


  • Bits - in Computing, the smallest unit of data, represented by either 0 or 1.
  • Big Data - data typically described with the three Vs: volume (amount), velocity (the speed at which it is produced) and variety (the different types of information.
  • Blockchain technology - an application of DLT (see: Distributed Ledger Technology) to record the transaction of cryptocurrencies.
  • Bytes - the best student tech and law society... and a group of 8 bits (see: Bits).


  • Chatbot - a computer program driven by AI (see: Artificial Intelligence) that simulates a conversation with a human.
  • Cloud computing - the on-demand delivery of of computer resources via the internet.
  • Code - verb: coding, in Computer Programming, instructions that can be itmerpreted by a computer.
  • Cookie - a small text file placed on in browser storage by a website to store information. Required for tracking users across websites and enabling "logged in" website states.
  • Cryptography - in Computer Science, the use of mathematical concepts to secure information.
  • Central Porcessing Unit (CPU) - the part of a comptuer that processes programming instructions.
  • Cybersecurity - the protection of computer systems.


  • DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) - entities operating through the use of smart contracts with transactions being encoded on the blockchain. Primarily used for venture capital but has potential to be used in others areas such as LegalTech.
  • Data - information grouped for reference and/or analysis.
  • Data Controller - in Data Protection, the entity which decides how personal data is stored, collected and processed.
  • Data Processor - in Data Protection, the entity which performs software operations on personal data.
  • Data visualisation - the graphical representation of data.
  • Dataroom - online file system to host documents for a particular matter.
  • Dataset - A collection of data.
  • Deep learning - under the umbrella term Machine Learning,
  • Digital signature - in Cryptography, guarantees the authenticity of a document or message
  • Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) - a synced set of replicated and digital data stored across multiple sites, with measures to prevent the modification of data without a record.
  • Document Automation - use of software and document templates to mass produce documents.


  • eDiscovery - use of technology to streamline the document review process.
  • eFiling - the practice of filing documents at Court online.
  • ePrivacy directive - European Union law governing, amongst other things, the placement of cookies on websites.
  • Encryption - in Cybersecurity, the encodement of a document or message that can only be accessed by intended recipients.


  • Filesite - in law firm file management, a storage location for filed emails and client documents.


  • General Artificial Intelligence - computer software that can mimic human behaviour in its entirety.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - a European Union law designed to ensure the fair use of personal data.
  • GPT - Generative Pre-trained Transformer. An AI that uses neural networks to understand and create human language.


  • Hard drive - a device for storing large amounts of data.
  • Hash function - in Cryptography, an algorithm that enables encryption, such as digital signatures (see Digital Signature).


  • Internet of Things (IOT) - the interconnectedness of electronic devices via the internet.
  • Industry 4.0 - also called the Fourth Industrial Revoltuon or 4IR, the industrial revolution driven by emerging technologies.
  • Intelligent Knowledge Management (KM) - the use of by AI (see Artifical Intelligence) to innovate KM systems. In the legal sector, an AI-powered KM system can suggest authorities related to and say which practice areas will be impacted by a precedent inputted in it.


  • Legal Project Manager (LPM) - a specialised resource management professional for client matters.
  • Legal Technology - sometimes referred to as LawTech or LegalTech, the use of technology by law firms to deliver legal services.
  • Legal Engineer - similar to a Legal Technologist but may have experience as a practicing lawyer or deeper exposure to software development. They may also be focused on specific solutions rather than advising on use of general software
  • Legal Engineering - Advising on and developing solutions that utilise technology to deliver legal services or information
  • Legal Technologist - A multi-disciplinary individual that advises on the implementation and use of technology for the delivery of legal services.
  • Large Language Model (LLM) - Trained on massive data sets, LLMs are type of AI that can understand, process, and generate human language. 


  • Machine Learning - under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence, a computer algorithm that autonomously improves (hence, "learns") through experience.


  • Neural Network - under the umbrella term Artifical Intelligence,


  • Predictive Analytics - the use of data analytics and artifical intelligence to predict the likelihood of future events from a dataset.


  • Quantum computing - [Where current computers manipulate individual bits (see: Bits), a Quantum computer leverages quantum mechanical phenomena to manipulate information].


  • Robotics - agreements which contain some clauses which will be executed by machine code, usually with these automated actions recorded on a distributed ledger.


  • Smart Contracts - agreements which contain some clauses which will be executed by machine code, usually with these automated actions recorded on a distributed ledger.


  • TMT - Technology, Media and Telecommunications.


  • Virtual Reality - also called Augmented Reality, the computer-generated simulation of reality that can be interacted with via specalised electronic equipment.


  • Workflow Automation - the use of technology to automate multi-step processes.